High quality SEO services

Our team employs the latest SEO strategies and techniques to ensure that your website ranks among the top search results. We focus on optimizing the website’s structure, content, technical specifications, and various other aspects to yield the best outcomes.

Better keyword positions
Professional SEO team
Keyword Position Reports
Increased traffic
Generating more sales/inquiries
SEO report
Professional advice
A targeted flow of visitors is ensured
Excellent return on investment

What do Professional SEO services consist of??

We develop a top-notch SEO strategy, incorporating the latest algorithm updates. Our aim is to devise a long-term plan that not only ensures the success of your website but also aligns with your aspirations.

Technical SEO
check Technical SEO audit
check Technical error handling
check Corrections to the robots.txt file
check Responsiveness to search engines
check Optimizing page speed
check Schema.org is the right setting
On Page SEO
check Choosing the right keywords
check Customizing keywords
check Generating organic clicks
check Internal linking
check Content strategy
check Correction of Errors
Off-page SEO
check Publications of articles
check Increasing domain authority
check High quality backlinks
check Increasing domain ranking
check Use of competitor links
check Content marketing
  • 01.
    Site overview
    Although most companies already have a functioning website, these often fail to meet Google's standards. Therefore, we will modify them to be more search engine-friendly.
  • 02.
    SEO strategy
    After ensuring that the website meets SEO standards, we will develop and implement an annual SEO strategy. Additionally, a detailed work plan will be specifically tailored for your site.
  • 03.
    On-Page SEO optimization
    We will maintain consistent hygiene on your website to eliminate any obstacles to search engine optimization. This ensures that your website operates seamlessly, with all necessary corrections informed by SEO audit tools.
  • 04.
    Off-Page SEO optimization
    After ensuring your website maintains proper hygiene, we will assist in increasing its authority through various external websites.

Want to get an offer?

Order an initial analysis and get a quote from our team.

    What is SEO?

    SEO stands for 'Search Engine Optimization.' This process entails various activities aimed at ensuring that your chosen keywords achieve higher rankings in search engines.SEO is distinct from paid advertising in that it leads to organic, or natural, rankings, eliminating the need to pay for each click. Achieving higher rankings draws a more targeted audience to your website, ultimately aiding in increasing sales and generating greater revenue.

    What is SEO

    Professional SEO service price

    Want to be seen online with our SEO services?

    We suggest you review our SEO services price list.


    SEO steps

    250€ /for a month

    • check
      Keyword analysis
    • check
      On-Page SEO
    • check
      Off-Page SEO
    • check
      Keyword tracking
    • check
      5 keywords

    SEO Leap

    400€ /for a month

    • check
      Keyword analysis
    • check
      On-Page SEO
    • check
      Off-Page SEO
    • check
      Keyword tracking
    • check
      7 keywords

    SEO Run

    550€ /for a month

    • check
      Keyword analysis
    • check
      On-Page SEO
    • check
      Off-Page SEO
    • check
      Keyword tracking
    • check
      10 keywords
    OFF-PAGE SEO optimization

    OFF-PAGE SEO optimization

    Off-page SEO optimization is a crucial component that is indispensable for ensuring your website's visibility in search engines. It encompasses a range of activities that, while not directly related to your website's content, aid in enhancing its ranking in search results. Key elements of off-page SEO optimization include link building and acquiring social signals.

    On-Page SEO optimization

    Internal SEO optimization, often referred to as 'on-page SEO', is a process designed to enhance a website's visibility and ranking in search engines by improving its content and structure.This encompasses tasks such as keyword research and integration, enhancing the quality of page content, optimizing page speed, refining meta tags, and improving URL structure.Conducting keyword research enables an understanding of the phrases visitors use to find your services or products.

    On-Page SEO optimization
    What determines the exact cost of SEO

    What determines the exact cost of SEO?

    The cost of SEO varies based on numerous factors, and there is no universal answer. Prices can differ depending on the service provider, the scope of the project, market competition, and your specific business needs and goals. Here are some key factors that can influence the cost of SEO:Project scope: A larger website or a broad range of products or services can lead to higher SEO costs due to the increased volume of work needed for optimization of all pages and content.Market competition: In highly competitive business niches, SEO costs may be greater as achieving higher search result positions demands more time and effort.Business needs and goals: Unique requirements, such as targeting an international audience or needing specialized technical optimization, can also elevate SEO costs.

    Advantages of Professional SEO service

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial component of marketing, as it enables the attraction of a significant number of new visitors through organic search.SEO, an essential aspect of online business, offers numerous benefits. Its primary advantage is enhancing a website's visibility in search engines. This enhanced visibility means that when users search for specific keywords, your website becomes more discoverable and ranks higher in search results. This increased prominence is vital for attracting more visitors and generating leads.Moreover, SEO is instrumental in driving free, high-quality traffic, immensely valuable for any business. Unlike paid advertising, SEO ensures a steady, long-term influx of traffic, which not only saves money but also contributes to higher profit margins.

    Advantages of Professional SEO service
    Principle of operation of SEO service

    Principle of operation of SEO service

    Search engines utilize various algorithms to accurately assign rankings based on user queries. These algorithms are intricate, taking into account multiple factors for determining appropriate rankings. Several key metrics are fundamental in this evaluation process:Links: External links to your website are crucial in determining its ranking in Google and other search engines. Links signify to search engines that other sites view your page as trustworthy and of high quality, as it's rare for unreliable and low-quality sites to receive links. Sites with links from authoritative sources often experience a swift boost in rankings.Content: Search engine algorithms also focus on a page's internal content. They analyze all content to ascertain its relevance to search queries. Content plays a significant role in SEO, particularly through the incorporation of relevant keywords sought by users.Site Structure: The coding structure of a page can also impact its ranking. A well-structured code enhances the likelihood of achieving higher rankings.

    Frequently asked questions about SEO services

    Do you have questions related to SEO services? We suggest reading our D.U.K section

    Are SEO services always successful?

    These are constantly evolving fields, and the algorithms that search engines rely on are also constantly changing. In addition, the competition can be very high, which means that it can be difficult to get high rankings. However, in the long run, by performing SEO optimization, you will achieve your desired result.

    When can SEO results be seen?

    It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to see SEO results. It depends on how quickly search engines detect and evaluate changes to your site, as well as how competitive your niche market segment is.

    Do SEO services have a good ROI?

    Yes, SEO can have a good ROI (return on investment). When a well-implemented SEO strategy helps improve a website's visibility in search engines, it can increase website traffic, attract more visitors, and potentially increase sales or profits.

    Is it expensive to do SEO?

    The price of SEO can vary greatly depending on your needs and goals, the level of competition in your market niche, the size and complexity of your website. It should be kept in mind that the SEO price is also influenced by the amount of selected keywords in the optimization, as it determines the amount of time allocated to customers.

    What is the difference between internal and external SEO?

    On Page SEO deals with website structure, content optimization, internal links and other internal elements of the website. External SEO refers to activities outside of the website, such as getting links from other websites, social media strategies, and partnerships.

    What are keywords and how to choose them?

    Keywords are words or phrases that users type into search engines. Their selection is necessary in order to optimize the site accordingly. When choosing keywords, it is important to consider their popularity, competition and relevance to your business.